Your Chinese Website Solution Provider

A Strong Chinese SEO Strategy – Article Marketing

A Strong Chinese SEO Strategy – Article Marketing


Article writing is one of the key elements to strong Chinese SEO. You want to get as many blog posts, article submissions, and more online so that search engines like Baidu will see there are a lot of outside sources linking back to your website. You could use a dozen or two articles stuffed with keywords and posted them all over the net.

However, there is an new trend that search engines focused more on user behavior than keywords and empty backlinks. It means buying links and posting a hundred articles on directories no longer work. It’s not that article marketing is dead but content becomes more important than the number of links you have.


There are some advices that must be followed:


Don’t Focus on Article Submissions

Gone are the days where posting on article directories were all that mattered. If you want to focus on a powerful article writing strategy then do these two things: write quality blogs for your own site and write quality guest blogs/articles for others.  This is because search engines no longer care how many articles you got published on the web. It no longer cares if you’ve got a million backlinks and related keywords. Now they are studying visitor behavior and that means you need quality content on quality sites.


Quality Content is King

So you’ve got a few keywords that relate to your new product or service. Do not write an article that stuffs those articles in every nook and cranny. It shouldn’t read like a blog written by a spam-bot. Focus on educating your readers, about giving them quality news and information, and don’t focus entirely on writing about your company.


If you’re selling clothes then don’t just write about the clothes available on your site or the services you offer. Write an article detailing tips on buying fashionable women’s clothes for the summer or about popular brands and why people should check them out. Those are informative articles that will get readers interested and eventually click the link to your site.


Rankings Aren’t as Important as Social Media Interaction

Article writing is affected by ranking and vice versa but it shouldn’t be geared entirely for it. Instead, the new style of SEO article marketing focuses on using social media to build interest, word of mouth, and eventually higher click rates.


For details of our Chinese web solution such as English to Chinese website translation, Chinese web design, and Chinese SEO and eMarketing, please contact us.




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